News29.01.2011 Information of the provider from the board: Our problem child (the provider) who already has had some downtime, gave up compeletly today and it looks like there is nothing more to be done. Anyway, we will move on to another cluster; (Yes, I have pushed that away, because it is a lot of work) it makes no sense to put more time in this part --- We will move right now. Now this is a lot of work, and impossible to manage without some downtime. It's either that or bad accesibility for everyone. Work will begin now and last well into the coming week. Means it could happen, that we will be down from time to time. Don't worried about that, we have the guestbook. 14.11.2011 From now on you can download three difference Calendars.
Donny, Patrick and Patrick in Dirty Dancing. For help ask the admin. 09.11.2011 Activ members now, that the board is in a new layout online.
From time to time, the layout will change. In the December you will find an adventscalendar on the side. This year we will make a little game in that, the rules your find in the board too. 15.09.2010 Hi, 29.08.2010 Today we found a new partnerside for us. If you like to know more, for all who only understand english .. use this: http://translate.google.de/#en|de| you will see, it works really good. We say thank you, to our new partner. 05.06.2010 Talented
Family! source: http://soaps.sheknows.com/youngandrestless/news/id/9459/The_Young_and_the_Restless_Patrick_Swayzes_Brother/ 03.06.2010 The board is back. We had it very fast back, but to make sure i only post it now. Marek did a great job and deserve our respect for all what he done for the users, not only from this board. At the moment, the board is on an emergency place, and the works continue. 01.06.2010 The board is offline at the moment. The support is working on it and do the best they can that the boards are fast back again. Marek don't think, that this will happen before tomorrow, but it can be that it will be Thuersday befor it is back. I know these are not the best news, but he had a actually backup, so nobody need to be worry, that we lost one post. We need to have patience .. and in that we're really good. His translated messages you find in the guestbook ... so we use this, or the message board of the new side to talk with our friends. I will updated all of you in the guestbook and I hope the board is fast back again. That is something what everytime can happen ... technical is sometimes complicated. We're cross the finger for Marek and sen him a lot of coffee, nerves and some cakes. 31.05.2010 We're created a new partner side for the fanfiction we wrote in the board. Feel free to visite this side, their you can talk about the books too. And you don't need a registration for the message book their. 22.05.2010 Happy Birthday to this side and this wonderful community. Two years ago this site went online. Many friends have been made in these 24 months and it has grown into a friendly international community. Everyone is heartly welcome to talk with others about Donny and Patrick, as well as your own personal happiness or sadness. 13.05.2010 Happy Birthday to www.donswayze.net Donny's Official website celebrates it's 2nd anniversary this year.
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